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News — Pre-Order

GOTY (Game Of The Year) Our September Pick 🎮 Deathloop, Death Stranding and many more

Posted by Koodoo Gamefinity on

GOTY (Game Of The Year) Our September Pick 🎮  Deathloop, Death Stranding and many more

Hot Games September As all gamers know, September and October are blockbuster months for gaming releases. Last years slow-release schedule is fading away as 2021 has seen a wave of new and re-releases. Looking at September, its going to be a busy month here at KOODOO! September truly does live up to the old cliché of there being something for everyone. Feel like going rallying? Sure Want to explore your detective skills, while fighting crime? No problem In search of a psychological thriller? Jump in Looking for a hint of nostalgia, or something for the kids? Step right up. You...

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Next Generation PSVR Announced by

Posted by Koodoo Gamefinity on

Next Generation PSVR Announced by

On the 23rd of February 2021, 3 months post launch of the world’s fastest selling console, Sony PlayStation made an incredibly important announcement about the future of gaming. That announcement, PlayStation Virtual Reality 2(PSVR2). The significance behind this announcement should not be underestimated. If one of the pillars of gaming is immersivity, I challenge you to find a better construction material for that pillar than Virtual Reality. Virtual reality has sat in the back of our collective consciousness ever since sci-fi shows first teased us with the amazing power of this technology. The idea of virtual reality is not a...

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Be the First to Play, Pre-Orders

Posted by Koodoo Gamefinity on

Be the First to Play, Pre-Orders

To Pre-Order or not to Pre-Order, that is the question. Pre orders have been a hot topic of late, with much debate flowing both ways. Here at KOODOO we decided to simplify the pre-order process as much as possible. Place a pre-order any time before the eve of launch, and we will ship it the day prior to launch, to ensure you get it delivered to your door on the day of release. We do not sell stock that we do not have, thus ensuring you always get what you paid for. So, KOODOO has made pre-ordering simple, but why...

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