FNB and KOODOO.co.za Promotional Campaign FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
Credit Card Budget Plan Promotion and Zero Interest Campaign
What is the offer?
What is the offer?
FNB/RMB and KOODOO.co.za have partnered up to give FNB / RMB Cardholders access to the Budget plan promotion at prime or prime + 2% interest for customers who only have an FNB/RMB personal credit card, but do not have a FNB/RMB personal Fusion/Cheque account with FNB/RMB
This offers Credit Card holders the ability to move transactions made on KOODOO.co.za to budget if they meet the quallifying criteria
0% Interest Deal
0% interest is available to FNB/RMB qualifying customers from the 25th October - 31 December 2024 on the below listed products
PS5 Pro standalone console, PS5 Slim Disc consoles, PS5 30th Anniversary console, PS5 Slim Disc+Atrobot+Indigo Controller, PS5 Pro+Indigo controller
What is the promotional interest rate?
The promotional interest rate is set at prime or prime + 2%. In addition to the campaign rules, should you meet the qualifying criteria as stipulated on the FNB Main Banked Rules available on the FNB website you will benefit from a promotional interest rate of prime on your qualifying purchase.
0% Interest Deal
0% interest is available to FNB/RMB qualifying customers from the 25th October - 31 December 2024 on the below listed products
PS5 Pro standalone console, PS5 Slim Disc consoles, PS5 30th Anniversary console, PS5 Slim Disc+Atrobot+Indigo Controller, PS5 Pro+Indigo controller
Who qualifies for the Credit Card Budget Plan promotion?
The campaign is open to selected FNB Visa Credit Cardholders. This includes Aspire, Premier, Private Clients, Private Wealth, RMB Private Bank and Signet Credit Cardholders who reside in South Africa and are over the age of 18 years.
Who is excluded from the Credit Card Budget Plan Promotion?
FNB / RMB Fusion Account, Cheque / Debit Cardholders and Business Credit Cardholders are excluded.
Details on the FNB Credit Card Budget Plan Promotion
- How long is this promotion for?
The Credit Card Budget Plan Promotion is available from 21 October 2020 to 30 June 2025, and may be extended further
- What is the minimum and maximum amount that can be purchased on the Credit Card Budget Plan Promotion?
Minimum of R5 000 and Maximum of R30 000
- Is the offer also available instore?
This offer is only available online at KOODOO.co.za
- If there are any queries regarding the products purchased, how do you escalate these issues?
Online chat on KOODOO.co.za or
Email customercare@koodoo.co.za or
Contact: 011 445 7912
- If there is something wrong with my transaction, who do I escalate to?
Please call the number on the back of your FNB or RMB Credit Card.
- Where can the Terms and Conditions for this campaign be found?
Please visit the FNB website, click “About FNB + Legal” and select “Promotions Terms and Conditions”.
- Where can a copy of the KOODOO.co.za Terms and Conditions be requested?
The KOODOO Terms and Conditions can be viewed on the website (KOODOO.co.za).
- Can I settle my budget transaction earlier? Are there any penalty fees?
Yes, you may settle the budget transaction earlier by paying the settlement amount into your credit card account and notify FNB to settle your budget transaction. There are no penalty fees for early settlements.
- If I default on payment of my credit card account, does the promotional campaign still stand?
No, if you default on your credit card monthly payment the fixed interest rate will fall away and your personalized interest rate will apply.
0% Interest Deal
0% interest is available to FNB/RMB qualifying customers from the 25th October - 31 December 2024 on the below listed products
PS5 Pro standalone console, PS5 Slim Disc consoles, PS5 30th Anniversary console, PS5 Slim Disc+Atrobot+Indigo Controller, PS5 Pro+Indigo controller
What terms can be chosen for the purchase on the Credit Card Budget Plan Promotion?
Credit Cardholders can choose between 12 or 24 months.
When purchasing with a credit card, is the transaction on straight or budget facility?
The transaction will be on the credit cardholder’s straight facility and then moved over to Budget once the bank has approved
Can I transfer funds into my Credit Card to cater for the purchase and qualify for the promotion?
How it works
How does the transaction go onto budget?
FNB Credit Card division will move the straight facility transaction onto the budget facility within 3 to 5 working days after the transaction date.
Please note that the total amount is moved from your straigh facility to budget facility which means that amount will no longer be available in your straight facility
How long is this promotion for?
The Credit Card Budget Plan Promotion is available from 21 October 2020 30 June 2025, and may be extended further
0% Interest Deal
0% interest is available to FNB/RMB qualifying customers from the 25th October - 31 December 2024 on the below listed products
PS5 Pro standalone console, PS5 Slim Disc consoles, PS5 30th Anniversary console, PS5 Slim Disc+Atrobot+Indigo Controller, PS5 Pro+Indigo controller
What is the minimum and maximum amount that can be purchased on the Credit Card Budget Plan Promotion?
Minimum of R5 000 and Maximum of R30 000 for the FNB Budget promotion
Direct Queries
If there is something wrong with my transaction, who do I escalate to?
Please call the number on the back of your FNB or RMB Credit Card.
If there are any queries regarding the products purchased, how do you escalate these issues?
Payments and Interest
Can I settle my budget transaction earlier? Are there any penalty fees?
Yes, you may settle the budget transaction earlier by paying the settlement amount into your credit card account and notify FNB or RMB to settle your budget transaction.
There are no penalty fees for early settlements.
Where can a copy of the KOODOO.co.za Terms and Conditions be requested?
The KOODOO Terms and Conditions can be viewed on the website (KOODOO.co.za).