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Nioh 2

Open Beta Confirmed

The Team Ninja developed sequel will come to PlayStation 4 on the 13th March, 2020.

The team behind Nioh 2 has confirmed that they’re delay in announcing the launch date was to ensure that they could achieve what they considered a “genuine evolution” from the original. This meant that they needed to develop “fresh new elements” to the sequel, all while maintaining everything which made the original title so great.

Nioh 2

Nice going Team Ninja!

The team had also confirmed an Open Beta would soon be available. For all those looking for a sneak peek at the game, open beta trial will be available from 1st – 10th November and is downloadable from PlayStation Store.

Nioh 2 Weapons

More information on the Nioh 2 Beta has been made available here.


Link to PS4 product: Nioh 2 

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